Jesus called a child, whom he put among them, and said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 18:2-3, 4:1

We recently enjoyed a Community night at Zion, with people of all ages sharing food, fellowship, basketball, coloring, games and conversation. It was exciting to see adults encouraging and competing in basketball with the youth. What a great model of Christian community, with our facility, to do this kind of church. I want to say thank you to the Hockman-Chupps who have hosted this type of gathering in their home several times this past year, not only inviting Zion, but their local neighbors as well.

Last Sunday night another group of 20-some adults and youth got together for volleyball and pizza. What a great way for adults to interact – helping youth learn the skills of volleyball, how to serve, how to hit the ball to control it, how to be a positive role model. Play is good for us! Play lowers stress (duh!); play makes us more creative and helps us adjust to change. The stuff we do at church doesn’t always have to be hard work. Play, is any activity that is purposeless, dissolves ego boundaries, and brings joy. I would add: it’s also an activity that delights God! Let’s be creative, especially as spring and summer arrive, and find more ways to “play” at Zion. I will do my part!!

Lord, give us joy as we walk, run, and play together in this beautiful community we call Zion! Bring on the sunshine!

In His Service,
