FOLI DORON (Only Greetings) 2

October 22, 2018:  MUSIC AND LANGUAGE IN KENEDOUGOU Among the peoples of the Kénédougou region, music and speech are not separate things: speech is melodious, and melody can speak. The tribal languages are tonal, that is, the pitch of a word in relation to other words...

For Pathways Class 7: Living as Witnesses

“We are people of God’s peace, which we receive by the Holy Spirit who infuses our lives with Christ’s love for the world,” is the summary statement of our next Pathways class, on Sunday, October 28. We will begin that day to look at the second of MC USA’s Three...


Luke 15: 31 “‘My son,’ the father said, ‘you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. Are there any parents here this morning? Would any of you wish to tell me what it is about parenthood that you most enjoy? Or not? What are the best parts of parenthood,...

Pathways Session 6: Baptism

Last Sunday’s class (October 21) focused on the statement in the first of MC USA’s Three Renewed Commitments: “Through baptism we commit ourselves to live faithfully as Jesus’ disciples, no matter the cost.” The question and controversy over whether...