Pathways: Session 5, October 14, The Word of God

This past Sunday (October 14, 2018), we again discussed the first of MC USA’s Three Renewed Commitments, “Following Jesus,” specifically, the words, “As an Anabaptist community of the living Word, we listen for God’s call as we read Scripture together, guided by the...

FOLI DORON (Greetings Only)

by Mathew Swora October 16, 2018 The title of this post is a polite Jula language phrase that a guest says to his or her host after coming to visit and giving other greetings and blessings. The host says, “Give something” (by way of news or information) to...

BEYOND SURVIVAL: Thoughts on Zion MC’s 125 Years

Nearly 500 years ago, there arose many groups and branches of Anabaptism which can be boiled down to roughly three main types. One was the peasant revolutionary kind, which mixed aspects of Anabaptist faith (minus the pacifism) with violent rebellion, like the cult...

Pathways Session 5: The Word

This Next Sunday’s session (October 14) will again focus on discipleship, in particular, the sentence, “As an Anabaptist community of the living Word, we listen for God’s call as we read Scripture together, guided by the Spirit.” To prepare, read...

Pathways Session 4 (October 7), a review

In last Sunday’s class session (October 7) we began considering the first of MC USA’s Three Renewed Commitments: “Follow Jesus.” We discussed its explanation:  “We commit to Follow Jesus. As an Anabaptist community of the living Word, we listen...