Sunday Worship Service

May 30, 2021 - 10:00 am



We (Zion) are:
  • Requiring registration (bottom of this page) to manage the number of people and to provide any required contact tracing.
  • Thoroughly cleaning and sanitizing before every service.
  • Offering clear signage and traffic patterns marked to facilitate social distancing.
  • Spacing out seating options in the sanctuary to allow for social distancing.
  • Providing hand sanitizer at every entrance, as well as throughout the facility.
When you attend, we are asking you to do the following to help us in this effort:
  • If you are in a higher risk category for contracting COVID-19 and have not been vaccinated, we ask that you worship online.
  • Before arriving at Zion assess yourself and your family members and self-certify that you are feeling healthy. If you are feeling sick, feel like you might have a cold, or were around someone who tested positive for COVID-19, we ask that you worship online.
  • Plan to arrive a few minutes early so we can sign you in and get you seated.
  • Wear a high-quality mask that covers your nose and mouth the entire time you are in the building. This is required for everyone 5 years old and older. Optional for ages 2-4.
  • Maintain social distance (6 feet) from those outside your immediate family. Please no handshaking, high-fives, fist-bumps or hugs. Remember, while you might feel comfortable with this type of physical touch, others may not.
  • Stay in open and designated areas.
  • Please use the restroom before attending. However, if you must use the restroom, please remember that only one person at a time in a restroom with the exception of those needing physical assistance from family members.
  • After Sunday worship, everyone should continue to maintain social distancing while exiting the building. When possible, please hold your conversations outside the building.

By booking below, you acknowledge you have read this information, and that you and your additional attendees agree to follow these requirements.

Bookings no longer allowed on this date.